Strategic licensing with integrity and dedicated attention.
Feel free to call us: (949) 582-7879

About Us

LMI has a 15 year history of elevating licensing programs with Fortune 500 brands. We have over 100 years of combined management and licensing experience and have amassed an impressive track record of launching successful turnkey programs. Our understanding of the licensing marketplace – and our extensive network of contacts among leading licensees and retailers -­ brings results.

Perhaps most importantly, LMI is deeply mindful about its ratio of senior execs to the number of properties in their portfolio – ensuring that our clients get the seasoned, strategic thinking they need to elevate their brands at every turn, rather than languishing without senior supervision and strategic oversight.

LMI is accessible, with offices in LA and a broad international web of agents and licensing affiliates. Because we focus only on a small, carefully selected group of clients at a time, we can provide the highest possible service level and remain laser-­focused on the brands we represent.

We take pride in the major programs we’ve created, which include turnkey licensing programs for the Nestle Beverage and Confections Divisions, Carvel Ice Cream and hundreds of other successful new products and services developed in a wide range of industrial businesses, from food, to automotive, to financial services, to many other categories.

Our team has worked in lock step with DuPont, Allied Domecq, Sunkist, General Motors, Visa International, General Mills, March of Dimes, Boeing, and many others.

To ensure account management continuity and service excellence, all senior managers of LMI direct the day­‐to­‐day licensing and intellectual property management activities on behalf of our clients. That means that instead of scrambling for new clients, we are taking care of business.